![[EOW] Pyramid of Giza’s Mystery Hidden Beneath: Massive Structures Shatter Our History](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/14067169/EOW-PROFILE-MAIN_v2_3ttyr3_300x300.jpg)
2 days ago
2 days ago
Advanced scans of the Giza pyramids have uncovered an astonishing underground complex beneath Khafre’s pyramid.🚀 Watch on Rise.TV🚀 Watch on Rumble☕ Metaphysical CoffeeResearchers found 5 multilevel structures linked by pathways, 8 deep cylindrical wells that look something like Tesla coils spanning 1.25 miles (2 km) under the Giza plateau! If they’re there, it would not only completely change our understanding of how old the pyramids are and who built them, but also fundamentally shatter everything we think we know about human history.
Join Ben Chasteen and Rob Counts on this Edge of Wonder Live as they dive deeper into the purpose of these pyramids, what more information can be found, and what’s coming next for humanity. At the end of the show, don’t miss the live Q&A followed by a meditation/prayer only on Rise.TV. See you out on the edge!
![[FNL] JFK Files Update: The Secret $100K Bounty](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/14067169/EOW-PROFILE-MAIN_v2_3ttyr3_300x300.jpg)
6 days ago
6 days ago
With the release of the new JFK files a lot of people were expecting: "here is the smoking gun document!”🚀 Watch on Rise.TV🚀 Watch on Rumble
But there is so much in here that the media won't mention or put together because it requires knowledge of the event, the people involved, organizations, different countries, and being able to read through hand written notes. After meticulously going through many documents and posts (without the help of Ai) we have put together a comprehensive list on who was behind the JFK murder and why it happened along with a $100K bounty.
![[WNH] Drunk Driving with a Monkey, a Woman’s NDE, & Haunted Zoom Meeting](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/14067169/EOW-PROFILE-MAIN_v2_3ttyr3_300x300.jpg)
7 days ago
7 days ago
Join Ben Chasteen for the Weirdest News in History!🚀 Watch on Rise.TV🚀 Watch on YouTube
5. A woman went to great lengths to make sure her succulent plant got plenty of water and sunshine. After two years, she made a shocking discovery.
4. During a GPS mixup, a groom in Indonesia almost ended up marrying the wrong woman when it brought him to a different wedding venue where even the guests thought he was the future husband.
3. What would you do if you were just casually chatting with a friend online when all of a sudden, a clear image of a ghost of a girl showed up in your video chat behind you?
2. If there were a weirdest headline award, this would win for 2024: “Texas influencer who lost monkey after drunk driving crash desperate to get the sick animal back.” The best part is that the story only gets weirder and wackier as you hear it.
1. A New York Times bestseller found out she had terminal cancer. She said she was “immersed in God’s mercy” during an organ failure coma. She woke up 30 hours later with a profound message.
![[EOW] JFK Assassination Shocking Revelations: The First Major CIA Operation](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/14067169/EOW-PROFILE-MAIN_v2_3ttyr3_300x300.jpg)
Tuesday Mar 18, 2025
[EOW] JFK Assassination Shocking Revelations: The First Major CIA Operation
Tuesday Mar 18, 2025
Tuesday Mar 18, 2025
A trove of JFK files is due to be released today, with over 80,000 files in all.🚀 Watch on Rise.TV🚀 Watch on Rumble
Many speculate that this will be the final nail in the coffin regarding exactly who killed JFK. JFK's assassination is one of the most debated and mysterious events in American history, sparking widespread speculation and conspiracy theories about who was truly responsible.
For over six decades, the public has questioned the official narrative—established by the Warren Commission in 1964—that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. Now, for the first time since it happened, we will see how the CIA was involved in one of the first major hit operations involving a sitting President of the United States of America. Trump announced on March 17 that he would release all of the files on March 18.
What also makes his assassination so unusual is that there is a very significant Mandela Effect associated with his death as well.
Join Ben Chasteen and Rob Counts, on this Edge of Wonder live as they reveal the shocking truths.
![[FNL] Mystery of the Human Body: Proof Existence Isn’t Random](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/14067169/EOW-PROFILE-MAIN_v2_3ttyr3_300x300.jpg)
Saturday Mar 15, 2025
[FNL] Mystery of the Human Body: Proof Existence Isn’t Random
Saturday Mar 15, 2025
Saturday Mar 15, 2025
Your existence isn’t random—and the mysteries of the human body are proof.
🚀 Watch on Rise.TV🚀 Watch on Rumble
A human eye looks just like a galaxy or nebula. But the further up you go in size—and the further down you go, too—creation becomes one big, mysterious fractal of smaller objects precisely reflecting larger ones in the universe. Celestial bodies like planets in space, the human body on Earth, and subatomic particles in smaller dimensions have bizarre connections we’re only just beginning to discover. And it all points to amazing conclusions about humanity itself you’ll have to see to believe.
![[WNH] Real-Life “Unbreakable,” Unsolved Case of the Sodder Family, San Diego Dragon & More](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/14067169/EOW-PROFILE-MAIN_v2_3ttyr3_300x300.jpg)
Friday Mar 14, 2025
Friday Mar 14, 2025
Join Ben Chasteen for the Weirdest News in History!🚀 Watch on Rise.TV🚀 Watch on YouTube
5. You can almost never go wrong with vanilla ice cream; it seems like everyone likes it. But would you eat vanilla ice cream made from plastic? A UK designer claims to be the first person to ever make ice cream with vanilla flavoring sourced from recycled plastic.
4. Surgeons were listening to violin music while operating on their patient to remove a brain tumor. This may not be that strange in and of itself, but it was WHO was playing the violin for the doctors that made it fit into the Weirdest News in History.
3. M. Night Shyamalan's Unbreakable starring Bruce Willis was a hit in the 2000s, and was based on someone whose bones couldn’t break. Now, a family has been found to have a genetic mutation that means their bones never break, just like Willis’ character, the Overseer.
2. In June 1890, a San Diego boy was playing on the hills of Balboa Park when he saw an enormous and monstrous half-bird, half-beast flying through the air. This dinosaur looking creature had bat-like wings, a long bill and a tail twisted like a doughnut. What was it?
1. The disappearance of the Sodder children is one of the most enduring unsolved mysteries in American history. On Christmas Eve in 1945, Maurice, Martha, Louis, Jennie, and Betty Sodder, aged from 14 down to 5, all died in a fire that consumed their home. However, their remains couldn’t be found, leading to all kinds of theories about what really happened to them.

Wednesday Mar 12, 2025
The Secret Vietnam Edgewood Experiments: Drugs, Hallucinogens, Ghosts & Demons
Wednesday Mar 12, 2025
Wednesday Mar 12, 2025
What happens when war, black ops, and mind-altering drugs collide?
🚀 Watch FREE on Rise TV — https://rise.tv/video☕ Get your bag of Metaphysical coffee — https://metaphysicalcoffee.com
After the Vietnam War, the U.S. military admitted to using experimental drugs, including psychedelics, performance-enhancing drugs, and biological agents, in an attempt to create super soldiers who were stronger, less fearful, and more alert. To this day, some details remain classified and controversial, but reports suggest that soldiers saw ghosts and even demons while using red infrared goggles during helicopter flights.
Now, evidence is emerging that this practice never stopped. Even during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, mind-altering drugs were allegedly used. Available historical records and declassified documents provide insight into these nefarious activities.
Join us, Ben Chasteen and Rob Counts, on Edge of Wonder Live as we expose it all. Stay tuned until the end of the show for a live Q&A, followed by a meditation/prayer session—only on Rise.TV.
See you out on the edge!
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#vietnam #war #blackops

Friday Mar 07, 2025
Is Your Car Collecting Your Biodata? Whistleblower Exposes Dark Agenda
Friday Mar 07, 2025
Friday Mar 07, 2025
Is your car collecting your biodata?
🚀 Watch FREE on Rise TV — https://rise.tv/video☕ Get your bag of Metaphysical coffee — https://metaphysicalcoffee.com
This Friday Night Live, Ben Chasteen brings on a whistleblower who exposes this dark agenda.
Are your smart devices all spying on you? From computers, TVs, and phones to home cameras and more, most people seem to be aware that it’s happening—but what about cars? In this episode, whistleblower Ido Samuelson discloses how vehicles and smart electronics are collecting biodata, which is saved in petabytes in massive cloud storage. (For scale, 1024 Terabytes = 1 petabyte.) How does he know it’s happening? Because he actually created the programming that allowed it to do just this. Today, he blows the whistle on this deceptive practice.
Also joining Ben and Samuelson on the show is returning guest Dr. Jesse Beltran, who previously exposed how some people secretly have implanted biochips inside their bodies without even knowing about it.
Join Ben Chasteen as he leads a discussion with Jesse and Ido about this dark industry towards which many governments are not only turning a blind eye, but that they also might secretly be funding. During the Rise.TV-exclusive “Dig Deep” Live Q&A segment, ask Ben your questions directly. Then in the Top 10 Weirder News of the Week, hear hilarious and intriguing stories. As always, see you out… on the edge!
#biodata #whistleblower #jessebeltran

Wednesday Mar 05, 2025
Alien Abduction & Bigfoot Stories, Infamous Shootout in the Wild West, & More
Wednesday Mar 05, 2025
Wednesday Mar 05, 2025
Join Ben Chasteen for the Weirdest News in History!
🚀 Watch FREE on Rise TV — https://rise.tv/video
5. A woman shared her terrifying experience of close encounters of the “too close for comfort” kind. For the first time, she described in detail her alien abduction.
4. Almost every boy dreams of becoming Spider-Man one day. But these three boys took this dream to a whole new level when they tried something drastic to turn them into the web slinger.
3. Some people have said that their Alexa spontaneously laughs, which Amazon dubbed a simple “malfunction,” albeit a creepy one. However, one user had a paranormal experience after her grandmother passed away. Could the “spirits beyond” converse with us through our Alexas?
2. They didn’t call it the Wild West for just any old reason. Hear about the most infamous gunfight at the O.K. Corral, where the legendary Wyatt Earp and his friend Doc Holliday took on a group of lawless cowboys who ran amok through the frontier town of Tombstone, Arizona.
1. Venturing into the heart of Europe's forested hinterlands, we’ll uncover the "Wild Men" of central Europe. These beings are part folklore, part historical enigma, and are said to roam the wilderness. Did these people encounter a race of Bigfoot?
☕ Get your bag of Metaphysical coffee — https://metaphysicalcoffee.com
🎧 Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3w0xYdM🎧 Listen on Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3z679Xn📱 Follow on Social Media:📩 Telegram: https://t.me/risetvofficial📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/risetvofficial📘 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/risetvofficial🐦 X: https://twitter.com/risetvofficial
#alienabduction #bigfoot #wildwest

Wednesday Mar 05, 2025
Why Haven’t We Found Alien Life on Other Planets? They’re Hiding the Truth
Wednesday Mar 05, 2025
Wednesday Mar 05, 2025
There are many reasons—according to scientists, astronomers, SETI, NGOs, and governments—why we have yet to find life in the universe.
🚀 Watch FREE on Rise TV — https://rise.tv/video☕ Get your bag of Metaphysical coffee — https://metaphysicalcoffee.com
However, what if instead of them searching for life their jobs are to make sure life isn’t found.
With so much evidence, first hand accounts, videos, declassified documents, military first hand accounts, witnesses, and even testimonials of thousands of accounts why are they still denying it in the mainstream scientific community? Does it serve to benefit them in some way? Or does it have deeper implications?
We will be finding out soon that our tax dollars have been keeping us from the truth the whole time? Join us, Ben Chasteen and Rob Counts on this Edge of Wonder live. At the end of the show, don’t miss the live Q&A followed by a meditation/prayer only on Rise.TV.
See you out on the edge!
🎧 Apple Podcasts — https://apple.co/3w0xYdM🎧 Spotify — https://bit.ly/3q6WWsa📩 Telegram — https://t.me/risetvofficial📸 Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/risetvofficial📘 Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/risetvofficial🐦 X — https://twitter.com/risetvofficial
#seti #ngo #aliens